المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جديد في شركات الوساطة سارعو بالتسجيل

28-04-2012, 09:25 PM
جديد شركة وساطة جديدة في عالم الفوركس اسمها: Forex Firm X
Foreign Exchange Broker
وموقعها: Financial hub of the Caribbean islands
تاريخ افتتاح الشركة هو August 27, 2012
توفر لكم بونس ب 100 دولار بلا ايداع و على كل شخص تدعوه قبل الانطلاق 10 دولار مثلا لو دعوت 100 شخص يعني حتحصل على 1000دولار شهريا سجلوا قبل فوات الاوان
ارجو من جميع الاخوة الاستفادة

م.جوزيف ايهاب
28-04-2012, 09:54 PM
يمنع وضع ريفيرال في المنتدي

28-04-2012, 09:59 PM

28-04-2012, 11:01 PM
يا اخوان اردت ان تستفيدو جميع من العرض وفقط

م.جوزيف ايهاب
28-04-2012, 11:39 PM
يا اخوان اردت ان تستفيدو جميع من العرض وفقط

انا متفهم يا غالي
ولكن من شروط المنتدي ممنوع الريفيرال
لو ممكن تكتب اسم الموقع بدون ريفيرال اذا اردت الافادة

28-04-2012, 11:57 PM
ولاكن الموقع دي مازال في طور الانجاز الشركة عملت كدا التعريف بها قبل الافتتاح يا اخي انا وضعت كل المعلومات عن الشركة

29-04-2012, 12:46 AM
شكرا بالتوفيق

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 01:04 AM
... عايزين معلومات اكتر عن الشركه دي وشكرا.

29-04-2012, 01:07 AM
عند التسجيل تجد كل المعلومات ولاكنا اللغة الانجليزية

29-04-2012, 01:33 AM
شكرن لك اخي الكريم

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 01:34 AM
سجلت فيها بس معجتنيش الشرروط .. وقلت مش هخسر حاجه وكملت تسجيل وانا دلوقتي مسجل فيها ..... بعيدا عن المعلومات المتاحه فيها .. كنت عايز اعرف رائ حضرتك فيها ومن امتي ينفع نشتغل بالحساب ده ... وعارف اني بتقل علي حضرتك بس يا ريت كل المعلومات اللي تعرفها وجزاك الله خيرا

29-04-2012, 01:48 AM
About Potential Earnings
All earnings displayed within your PLX account in relation to Forex Firm X are potential earnings. When Forex Firm X officially launches, they will give you the opportunity to create a new forex trading account. By creating a new forex trading account with Forex Firm X at that time, you will open the door for the potential earnings listed in your PLX account to become actual earnings.
The amount of potential earnings which are converted to actual earnings may be affected by many factors. Many of these factors are unpredictable and stand outside your ability to control. Some of the factors which may affect the conversion of potential to actual earnings include the following...
Managed Trading Account
The managed trading account linked to your PLX account is currently owned and managed by Forex Firm X. The conversion from potential to actual earnings in this case requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. The money in the managed account will not be transferred to you until these events happen, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Sign-up Bonuses
The Forex Firm X sign-up bonuses shown in your PLX account are potential earnings where the calculation is based on every person in your launch group creating a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch. To qualify to earn sign-up bonuses requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. After those conditions are met, you may earn a sign-up bonus for every person in your launch group who creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X. It is impossible to predict how many people in your launch group will actually proceed to create a forex trading account at that time, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Monthly Commissions
The Forex Firm X monthly commissions shown in your PLX account are potential earnings based on a calculation where every person in your launch group creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch and then maintains an active trading account with Forex Firm X. To qualify to earn monthly commissions requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch and (3) you personally maintain an active trading account with Forex Firm X from that point forward. After those conditions are met, you may earn a commission every month for each person in your launch group who: (1) has joined Forex Firm X and (2) maintains an active trading account for that same given month. The actions of the people in your launch group are impossible to predict and outside of your control, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.

29-04-2012, 01:49 AM
Questions: Here are a couple of questions and answers to help you better understand our launch agreement with Forex Firm X...
Can I withdraw money from the managed forex trading account?
Not yet. The forex account is owned and managed by Forex Firm X until their official launch. The managed forex account is linked to your PLX account with a unique anonymous identifier. When Forex Firm X officially launches, we will provide a special link for you to create a new forex trading account with Forex Firm X. When you do, Forex Firm X will transfer the money in the managed account to your new forex trading account.
Do I need to report the earnings in the managed forex account to my tax authorities (local or national government, etc.)?
We believe that in practically all cases the answer to this question will be “no”. However, to be sure, you may want to check the regulations of the tax authorities having jurisdiction where you live.
We expect you will not owe taxes on the managed forex account because it is not owned by you yet. It is simply linked to your PLX account until Forex Firm X officially launches, and until you actually create a forex trading account with them. At that time, and provided that both of those conditions happen, the balance will be transferred to your new forex trading account.
Once the balance is transferred to a forex trading account owned by you, you will almost certainly owe taxes on your earnings according to the tax regulations where you live.

29-04-2012, 01:51 AM
What is Forex? Forex (also called foreign exchange, FX or currency trading) is the largest financial market in the world. This market enables the exchange or “trade” of foreign currencies. For example, a company in the U.S. may need to pay a company in Europe, thereby creating a need to exchange U.S. Dollars into Euros.
Who uses Forex? Companies and individuals around the world may engage in forex trading for various reasons. Individual traders most commonly trade forex as a speculative investment. The “exchange rates” from one currency to another are always fluctuating. This creates an opportunity for individual traders to profit from these movements.
How does it work? As an example, if you expected that the Euro would gain value against the U.S. Dollar, you may buy Euros in exchange for U.S. Dollars. To do this you would place a buy order on the EUR/USD currency pair. Then, if the exchange rate moved as you expected, you could then close your transaction, which would exchange the Euros you purchased back into U.S. Dollars at the new higher exchange rate. In this case, you would earn a net profit. This type of transaction is called “going long”.
Another example: You can also profit if you expect a currency to lose value against another currency, this is called “going short”. In this example, you expect that the value of the Euro will fall against the Japanese Yen. So, you place a sell order on the EUR/JPY currency pair. If the value of the Euro drops as you expect, you could then close your transaction. This would buy back the Euros you sold using the Yen you were holding at the new exchange rate, effectively netting you a profit on the fall of the Euro.
If you want to learn more about how forex trading works, we suggest starting here... Wikipedia article: Foreign exchange market

29-04-2012, 01:52 AM
هدة كل المعلومات عن الشركة تقبلو تحياتي وشكرا

معاذ عودات
29-04-2012, 01:54 AM
يمنع وضع الرفيرالات يا غالي
حتى لو بدك تفيد الجميع
لا يسمح بهذا

تم حذف الرابط
وبقي اسم الشركه

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 02:02 AM
ايوه قريت المعلومات دي يا فندم بس كنت عايز اعرف معلومتك انت .. امتي ينفع استخدم الحساب وامتي ينفع تسحب منه ولو عايز تضيف له تعمل ايه وهكذا .....وايه رائ حضرتك عاما في الشركه ... انا شروطها معجبتنيش بس قلت في نفسي مش هخصر حاجه وسجلت ..... اتمني ان تفيدوني وجزاكم الله خيرا

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 02:04 AM
استاذ معاذ كنت عايز رائي حضرتك في حكايه الشركه دي وشكرا

29-04-2012, 02:07 AM
انا عربي مثلى مثلك يا اخي ولا علاقة لي بالشركة اردت ان يستفيدو الاخوة من العرض وفقط

29-04-2012, 02:08 AM
الشركة جديدة عند الانطلاقة نتعرفو عليها ان كانت صادقة او كادبة

29-04-2012, 02:11 AM
والتسجيل بها يكون عن طريق الريفار الان لانو الشركة لازالة بعد الافتتاح يكون 17 اوت 2012 ولاكن مع الاسف الاخ الفاصل حدف الوصلة وانا بحترم قرارو

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 02:19 AM
يا مسهل ... مش هنخسر حاجه بس كنا عايزين اهل المعرفه يفيدونا .. اخواتي بعيدا عن هذه المعلومات ايه رائيكم في الشركه دي

معاذ عودات
29-04-2012, 09:40 AM
السلام عليكم

اولا شكرا لصاحب الموضوع لتفهمه الامر

الشركه لسه جديده ..
ولا احد يعرف مصداقيتها من عدمه ..

بس يا ريت احد الاخوان او الاخ خالد يجيب لنا قوانين البونص وشروطه
حتى لا يقع الناس بأشياء مخالفه

السيد الجبالي
29-04-2012, 11:32 AM
متابعين ومستنين نعرف

30-04-2012, 12:57 AM
About Potential Earnings
All earnings displayed within your PLX account in relation to Forex Firm X are potential earnings. When Forex Firm X officially launches, they will give you the opportunity to create a new forex trading account. By creating a new forex trading account with Forex Firm X at that time, you will open the door for the potential earnings listed in your PLX account to become actual earnings.
The amount of potential earnings which are converted to actual earnings may be affected by many factors. Many of these factors are unpredictable and stand outside your ability to control. Some of the factors which may affect the conversion of potential to actual earnings include the following...
Managed Trading Account
The managed trading account linked to your PLX account is currently owned and managed by Forex Firm X. The conversion from potential to actual earnings in this case requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. The money in the managed account will not be transferred to you until these events happen, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Sign-up Bonuses
The Forex Firm X sign-up bonuses shown in your PLX account are potential earnings where the calculation is based on every person in your launch group creating a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch. To qualify to earn sign-up bonuses requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch. After those conditions are met, you may earn a sign-up bonus for every person in your launch group who creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X. It is impossible to predict how many people in your launch group will actually proceed to create a forex trading account at that time, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.
Monthly Commissions
The Forex Firm X monthly commissions shown in your PLX account are potential earnings based on a calculation where every person in your launch group creates a forex trading account with Forex Firm X after their official launch and then maintains an active trading account with Forex Firm X. To qualify to earn monthly commissions requires that: (1) Forex Firm X officially launches and (2) you create a new forex trading account with them after their official launch and (3) you personally maintain an active trading account with Forex Firm X from that point forward. After those conditions are met, you may earn a commission every month for each person in your launch group who: (1) has joined Forex Firm X and (2) maintains an active trading account for that same given month. The actions of the people in your launch group are impossible to predict and outside of your control, and so, for now we recommend viewing these earnings as potential earnings of a speculative nature.

غشيم فوركس
30-04-2012, 02:58 AM
السوال الاهم ،،، هل يوجد فيها حسابات اسلاميه يامسلمين :)

معاذ عودات
30-04-2012, 09:49 AM
السوال الاهم ،،، هل يوجد فيها حسابات اسلاميه يامسلمين :)

اهم سؤال طبعا

30-04-2012, 10:27 AM
شكرا اخى خالد ونحن نقدر لك حبك لافادة اخوتك فى المنتدى بغض النظر عن مدى مصداقية الشركه من عدمه
