المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تحليلات فوركس اجنبية

12-01-2014, 11:48 PM
هحاول في هذا الموضوع
قدر الامكان عرض لاشهر التحليلات الفنية التي يتم نشرها علي المواقع الاجنبية المعروفة لما لها من اهمية كبيرة
في مساعدتنا علي معرفة حركة الاسعار القادمة
نبدا علي بركة اللة

الباوند دولار

GBPUSD stays within a upward price channel on daily chart, and remains in uptrend from 1.5854, and the fall from 1.6593 could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend. As long as the channel support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 1.7000 is still possible. On the downside, a clear break below the channel support will indicate that the upward movement from 1.5854 is complete, then deeper decline to 1.6100 area could be seen.

الاتجاة العام صعودي طالما ان ميتويات القناة السفلية علي فريم الديلي صامدة مما سيدفع السعر الي الاعلي
اي كسر لهذة المستويات الي الاسفل سيدفع السعر الي الهبوط

اليورو دولار

USD remains in uptrend from 1.2756, the fall from 1.3892 could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend. Key support is located at the lower line of the price channel on daily chart. As long as the channel support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 1.4500 is still possible after consolidation. On the downside, a clear break below the channel support will indicate that the uptrend from 1.2756 had completed at 1.3892 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 1.1000 zone.

الخلاصة ان الاتجاة العام هو الصعود طالما ان مستويات الدعوم الموجود علي فريم الديلي صامدة
اي كسر لهذة المستويات الي الاسفل سيغير م الاتجاة الصعودجي الي هبوطي

14-01-2014, 11:58 AM
اليورو دولار 14/1
EURUSD is now in uptrend from 1.3548. Further rise could be expected after a minor consolidation, and next target would be at 1.3750 area. Support levels are at 1.3600 and 1.3548, only break below these levels could trigger another fall to 1.3400 zone.
الاتجاة صاعد طالما ان التداولات اعلي مناطق 1.3660 البايفوت بوينت
لاستهداف 1.3750

الباوند دولار
GBPUSD is facing 1.6337 key support, a breakdown below this level will indicate that the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low) had completed at 1.6593 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 1.6100 zone. On the upside, as long as 1.6337 support holds, the uptrend from 1.5854 could be expected to resume, and one more rise towards 1.7000 is still possible.
الاتجاة صاعد بصمود مستويات 1.6337
لاستهداف مستويات 1.6450

14-01-2014, 06:19 PM
تحليل اليورو دولار 14/1
The EURUSD pushed significantly higher Friday after finding support near 1.3547 on Thursday. However, overall we still see quite a bit of bearish pressure coming in overhead just below 1.3832 key resistance. If the market should continue to retrace higher early this week, we will watch for price action sell signals while the market remains contained under that key 1.3832 resistance level to trade back down toward support.

اليور دولار قد يشهد مزيد من الهبوط في حال الفشل في الاغلاق اسفل مستويات المقاومة 1.3820
الا انة قد يصعد قليلا لاختبار 1.37 لذلك لابد من الحذر والبحث عن اي اشارة لدخول بيع

14-01-2014, 06:23 PM
الباوند دولار
he GBPUSD pushed higher last week and recouped all its early-session losses on Friday, forming a large bullish pin bar in what was a volatile trading session. We would ideally like to have seen this pin bar’s tail protruding from the surrounding price action more, but given that it is in-line with the current up-trend we could still see price push higher this week following Friday’s pin. Trader’s should be vigilant however, as the key near-term resistance up near 1.6600 is also a key longer-term resistance level which can be seen if you zoom out to a weekly chart, so any gains from Friday’s pin bar could be limited if the market cannot overcome this key resistance.

gbpusd حتي الان صاعد بناء علي شمعة البين با الانعكاسية الصاعدة التي تم تكوينها يوم الجمعة مع بقاء السعر اعلي الموفينجات 8/21
لذلك قد نشهد مزيد من الارتفاع نحو 1.66 الا ان الفشل في كسر هذة المنطقة قد يذهب بالسعر الي الهبوط

15-01-2014, 12:14 PM
الباوند دولار 15/1
GBPUSD failed to break below 1.6337 key support and stayed in the upward price channel on 4-hour chart, suggesting that the pair remains in uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), and the fall from 1.6593 could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend. Further rise to test 1.6593 resistance could be expected, a break above this level could signal resumption of the uptrend. On the downside, a breakdown below 1.6337 key support will indicate that the upward move from 1.5854 had completed at 1.6593 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 1.6100 zone.
الباوند دولار يزال صاعدا طاملا ان مستويات الدعوم الموجودة عند 1.6375 علي فريم 4 ساعات صامدة
قد يعطي هذا دفة صعودية للزوج لكي يستهدف 1.66

15-01-2014, 12:21 PM
اليورو دولار 15/1
EURUSD remains in uptrend from 1.3548, the fall from 1.3699 would possibly be correction of the uptrend. As long as 1.3548 key support holds, another rise could be expected, and next target would be at 1.3800 area. On the downside, a breakdown below 1.3548 support will indicate that the longer term downtrend from 1.3892 has resumed, then further decline to 1.3400 area could be seen.
اليورو دولار حتي الان هو في اتجاة صاعد طالما
ان مستويات 1.3550 صامدة ولم تنكسر هذا يعطي فرص طيبة للزوج للصعود لاستهداف 1.37
اي كسر لهذا المستوي الي الاسفل سيعني ان الاتجاة الصاعد اكتمل بالفعل عند 1.38 وسيكون الهدف الاخر 1.34
شخصيا __اري ان اليورو صاعد طالما ان مستويات 1.3600 علي 4 ساعات صامدة ممكن السعر يختبرها بذيل ويكون بين بار ومن ثم يواصل الصعود


15-01-2014, 05:25 PM
في انتظار المزيد

15-01-2014, 06:07 PM
في انتظار المزيد

شكرا يا غالي
علي المرور واتمني يكون الموضوع مفيد

16-01-2014, 12:22 PM
اليورو دولار
اليورو دولار
EURUSD's fall from 1.3699 extended to as low as 1.3581. As long as 1.3548 key support holds, the fall could be treated as correction of the uptrend from 1.3548, one more rise to 1.3800 area is still possible. On the other side, a breakdown below 1.3548 will signal resumption of the longer term downtrend from 1.3892, then the following downward movement could bring price to 1.3400 zone.
اليور دولار صاعد طالما ان مستويات 1.3550 صامدة اغلاق اسفل 1.3550 سيقود السعر الي مستويات 1.34

16-01-2014, 12:24 PM
الباوند دولار 16/1/2013م

صباح الخير علي الجميع
الباوند دولار 16/1
GBPUSD broke below 1.6337 support, suggesting that lengthier consolidation of the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low) is underway. Deeper decline would likely be seen, and next target would be at 1.6270 area. Support is now at 1.6219, as long as this level holds, the uptrend from 1.5854 could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 1.7000 is still possible.

الخلاصة الباوند دولار في حال استمرار التداول اسفل 1.6336 واغللاق شمعة 4 ساعات دون المستوي فهو الي مزيد من التراجع لاستعداف 1.6220 والتي في حال بقاءها فان الاتجاة قد يكمل صعودة الي 1.70

17-01-2014, 02:15 PM
الباوند دولار
GBPUSD's fall from 1.6593 extended to as low as 1.6314. Deeper decline is still possible and next target would be at 1.6270 area. Key support is located at 1.6219, as long as this level holds, the fall could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), another rise towards 1.7000 could be expected after consolidation. Only a breakdown below 1.6219 support could signal completion of the uptrend.

الخلاصة الاتجاة لايزال في طور الصعود طالما ان مستويات
16220 صامدة والهدف سيكون مستويات 1.70
كسر هذا الدعم 116220 الي الاسفل سينهي الصعود ويفتح الباب امام الهبوط

17-01-2014, 02:17 PM
اليورو دولار
EURUSD stayed in a trading range between 1.3548 and 1.3699 for several days. The price action in the range is likely correction of the downtrend from 1.3892. One more rise to 1.3800 area to complete to correction is possible. On the downside, a breakdown below 1.3548 support will indicate that the downtrend from 1.3892 has resumed, then further decline to 1.3400 area could be seen.

الاتجاة صاعد طالما ان مستويات 1.3550 صامدة
الهدف سيكون 137

18-01-2014, 11:18 AM
جمعة مباركة

20-01-2014, 12:41 PM
EURUSD broke below 1.3548 support and reached as low as 1.3507, suggesting that the downward movement from 1.3892 has resumed. Further decline could be expected in a couple of days, and next target would be at 1.3450 area. Resistance1.3580, as long as this level holds, the downtrend from 1.3699 will continue.

الاتجاة العام يميل الي الهبوط مع صمود مستويات 13580 مستويات المقاومة المستهدف سيكون 13450
اما في حال كسر 13580 فقد يشهد الزوج لرتفاع مرة اخري

الباوند دولار
GBPUSD is facing the downward trend line on 4-hour chart. A clear break above the trend line resistance will indicate that the downward movement from 1.6593 had completed at 1.6309 already, then the following upward movement could bring price to 1.7000 area. On the downside, as long as the trend line resistance holds, the rise from 1.6309 could be treated as consolidation of the downtrend from 1.6593, one more fall to 1.6270 area to complete the downward movement is possibl
الزوج ييواجة خط ترند علي 4 ساعات
طالما ان هذا الخط صامد ولم يتم كسرة الي الاعلي الاتجاة سيكون الي الهبوط
اما في حال كسر الخط الي الاعلي سيتغير التجاة الي صعود

20-01-2014, 06:21 PM
EURUSD broke below 1.3548 support and reached as low as 1.3507, suggesting that the downward movement from 1.3892 has resumed. Further decline could be expected in a couple of days, and next target would be at 1.3450 area. Resistance1.3580, as long as this level holds, the downtrend from 1.3699 will continue.

الاتجاة العام يميل الي الهبوط مع صمود مستويات 13580 مستويات المقاومة المستهدف سيكون 13450
اما في حال كسر 13580 فقد يشهد الزوج لرتفاع مرة اخري

الباوند دولار
GBPUSD is facing the downward trend line on 4-hour chart. A clear break above the trend line resistance will indicate that the downward movement from 1.6593 had completed at 1.6309 already, then the following upward movement could bring price to 1.7000 area. On the downside, as long as the trend line resistance holds, the rise from 1.6309 could be treated as consolidation of the downtrend from 1.6593, one more fall to 1.6270 area to complete the downward movement is possibl
الزوج ييواجة خط ترند علي 4 ساعات
طالما ان هذا الخط صامد ولم يتم كسرة الي الاعلي الاتجاة سيكون الي الهبوط
اما في حال كسر الخط الي الاعلي سيتغير التجاة الي صعود

الباوند دولار بعد الفشل ف الاغلاق اعلي 16450
هبط بالفعل الي 16425

21-01-2014, 09:56 AM
صباح الخير علي الجميع
الباوند دولار 21/1/2013
The GBP/USD pair went back and forth during the session on Monday, essentially settling nothing. However, we believe that this pair has an upward tilt to it, and as a result we believe that buying this pair is the only thing that we can do ultimately. Selling is not an option, but we do recognize that you can pull back to the 1.63 level and still remain rather bullish. Because of this, we are looking for some type of supportive candle or potentially a break out above the 1.65 handle in order to start buying the British pound again.
الباوند صاعد حتي الان علي الرغم من التراجع الي حصل الا انة بشكل عام صاعد
طالما ان مستويات 163 صامدة من الممكن ان نتعامل مع التراجع علي اساس فرصة لالتقاط الانفاس قبل الشراء
شخصيا اري الباوندصاعد ايضا حتي الان التاكيد اغلاق اعلي 16430 شمعة ساعة علي الاقل لاستهداف 16450

21-01-2014, 09:59 AM
اليورو دولار الزعيم 21/1/2014
The EUR/USD pair fell all the to down to the 1.35 handle during the session on Monday, but found enough support in order to bounce back above the 1.3550 level, and thereby showing a rather supportive candle. Because of this, we feel that the market is going to continue to go higher, perhaps trying to reach the 1.3650 level in the short-term. However, we still maintain that the 1.35 level is the market falling significantly. If we do manage to break down below it, we would be in the sellers of this pair down to the 1.33 handle.
الزوج صاعد طالما 13550 صامدة
ندخل شراء من الان في حال صمود المستو ي
كسر 13550 بشمعة 4 ساعة يبقي الزوج هيروح الي 133

21-01-2014, 06:13 PM
اوامر طبقا لاستراتجية البريك اوت
الباوند دولار

Buy At 16454.75. Target = 16569.93. Stoploss = 16323.112
Sell At 16420.25. Target = 16305.31. Stoploss = 16551.612

21-01-2014, 06:15 PM
اليورو دولار
Buy At 13570.55.
Sell At 13534.45.

22-01-2014, 02:40 PM
اليورو دولار 22/1/2014
EURUSD remains in downtrend from 1.3699, the rise from 1.3507 could be treated as consolidation of the downtrend. Resistance is at 1.3580, as long as this level holds, the downtrend could be expected to resume, and another fall towards 1.3400 is still possible. On the upside, a break above 1.3580 resistance will indicate that the downward movement from 1.3699 had completed at 1.3507 already, then further rise to 1.3650 area could be seen.
الزوج قد يميل الي الهبوط بسب عدم كسر 13580
لذلك ممكن نشوف صعود الي 13580 ومن ثم نتظر اي برايس اكشن للدخول بيع

22-01-2014, 02:42 PM
GBPUSD broke above the downward trend line on 4-hour chart, indicating that the downtrend from 1.6593 had completed at 1.6309 already. Further rise could be expected, and next target would be at 1.6570 area. Support is at 1.6390, only break below this level could trigger another fall to 1.6270 zone.
الباوند دولار22/1/2014
كسر خط الترندج الهابط علي فريم 4 ساعت الي الاعلي فرص لشلراء لاستهداف مستوي 100 فايبو 1.6510
اما بقاء التداول اسفل الترند الهابط علي 4 ساعات فرص للبيع لاستهداف 163

22-01-2014, 04:40 PM
اوامر استراتجية البريك اوت
الباوند دولار

Buy At 16496.90. Target = 16612.38. Stoploss = 16364.9248
Sell At 16445.10.

22-01-2014, 04:42 PM
اليورو دولار
Buy At 13566.75. Target = 13661.72. Stoploss = 13458.216
Sell At 13531.25. Target = 13436.53. Stoploss = 13639.5

22-01-2014, 04:44 PM
تم تحقيق اورودر اليورور دولار والباوند دولار الاغلاق علي 10 نقاط رابحة لكل منهما
بالامكان الاعتماد علي الاكسبريت للدخول في الصفقات
من هنا
اكسبريت استراتجية البريك اوت

23-01-2014, 05:03 PM
تحليلات يوم 23/1/2014
No changed in our view, EURUSD remains in downtrend from 1.3699, the rise from 1.3507 is likely consolidation of the downtrend. Another fall could be expected after consolidation, and the target would be at 1.3400 area. Resistance is at 1.3585, only break above this level could indicate that lengthier consolidation of the longer term downtrend from 1.3892 is underway, then further rise to 1.3650 area to complete the consolidation could be seen.
اليورو دولار في حال كسر مستويات 13585 الهام جدا الي اشارنا اليها بشمعة ساعة سيصعد الي مستويات 136
اما في حال صمود مستويات 13580 سنتوقع هبوط للزوج
علي اساس ان الاتجاة اصلاعد انتهي بالفعل عند مستويات 13825

23-01-2014, 05:05 PM
GBPUSD is facing 1.6593 resistance, a break above this level will signal resumption of the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), then next target would be at 1.7000. Support is now at 1.6480, only break below this level will indicate that lengthier consolidation of the uptrend is underway, then pullback to 1.6350 area could be seen.
الباوند دولار
يواجة مقاومات 16593
اي كسر اعلي هذة المستويات سيدفع بالاسعار الي الارتفاع
اما في حال صمود المستويات وكسر مستويات 164 الي الاسفل
من الممكن ان شنهد تراجع للزوج ايل مستويات 163

23-01-2014, 05:12 PM
اوامر استراتجية البريك اوت
الباوند دولار
Buy At 16620.75. Target = 16737.10. Stoploss = 16487.784
Sell At 16524.25. Target = 16408.58. Stoploss = 16656.444
اليور دولار
شراء من 13572
بيع من 13540

24-01-2014, 12:00 PM
GBPUSD broke above 1.6593 resistance, suggesting that the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low) has resumed. Further rise could be expected, and next target would be at 1.6800 area. Support is now at 1.6550, as long as this level holds, the uptrend from 1.6309 will continue.
الباوند دولار
صاعد حتي الان لان مستويات 16593 صامدة
كسر 16593 الي الاسفل سيهبط بالاسعار

24-01-2014, 12:01 PM
EURUSD is facing 1.3699 resistance, a break above this level will indicate that the downtrend from 1.3892 is complete, then the following upward movements could bring price to 1.4500 area. On the other side, as long as 1.3699 resistance holds, the rise from 1.3507 would possibly be consolidation of the downtrend from 1.3892, one more fall towards 1.3400 is still possible.
ليورو دولار
حتي الان في هبوط طالما فشل في كسر مستويات المقاومة الهامة التي اشارنا لها يوم الامس عند 137
لذلك في حال فشل الاغلاق سافل قد نشهد تراجع للزوج الي مناطق 13650
كسر المستويات الي الاعلي سيصعد بالزوج الي 138
من الممكن البع من المستويات الحالية لاستهداف
13650 كما موضوح

24-01-2014, 12:01 PM
دي نظرة نيل فولر لليورو دولار التي تتوقع الهبوط

24-01-2014, 12:18 PM
استراتجية البريك اوت الباوند دولار
Buy At 16665.00. Target = 16781.66. Stoploss = 16531.68
Sell At 16615.00. Target = 16498.70. Stoploss = 16747.92
اليور دولار
sell at 13660
buy at13690

26-01-2014, 02:26 PM
EURUSD is in consolidation of the uptrend from 1.2747 (Apr 4, 2013 low). The sideways movement in the range between 1.3296 and 1.3892 could be expected to continue over the next several weeks, and one more fall

to the bottom of the price channel on daily chart to complete the sideways movement is possible. Key support is at 1.3296, only break below this level could signal completion of the uptrend
اليورو دولار 27/1/2014
اليورو حتي الان في مرحلة هبوط مع الفشل في الاغلاق اعلي مقاومة 137
لذبك قد نشهد مزيد من التراجع الي مستويات 1333
خاصة مع الفشل في الاغلاق اعلي مناطق مقاومات 137
اما في حال الاغلاق اعلي مناطق 137 بشمعة ساعة علي الاقل واضحة قد نري مزيد من الصعود

26-01-2014, 02:28 PM
GBPUSD's upward movement from 1.5854 extended to as high as 1.6668. Support is now located at the upward trend line on daily chart, as long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could be expected to continue, and next target would be at 1.7000 area. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will indicate that lengthier consolidation of the longer term uptrend from 1.4813 is underway, then deeper decline to 1.6100 area could be seen.
الباوند دولار 27/1
GBPUSD's upward movement from 1.5854 extended to as high as 1.6668. Support is now located at the upward trend line on daily chart, as long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could be expected to continue, and next target would be at 1.7000 area. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will indicate that lengthier consolidation of the longer term uptrend from 1.4813 is underway, then deeper decline to 1.6100 area could be seen.
ممكن نشاهد تراجع الي خط الترند الصاعد عند 16450

26-01-2014, 02:36 PM
اليوو دولار
لو اغلق اسفل لو البين بار
هيهبط اما في حال الاغلاق اعلي من هاي البين بار سيكون صاعد الي 138

28-01-2014, 01:28 PM
EURUSD remains in uptrend from 1.3507, the fall from 1.3739 is likely consolidation of the uptrend. Support levels are at 1.3650 and 1.3595, as long as these levels hold, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and next target would be at 1.3800 area.
اليورو دولار صاعد طالما ان مستويات 136 و 13650 صامدة

28-01-2014, 01:33 PM
الباوند دولار
GBPUSD remains in downtrend from 1.6668, the rise from 1.6474 is treated as consolidation of the downtrend. Another fall to the bottom of the price channel on 4-hour chart is possible. However, the downtrend from 1.6668 would possibly be consolidation of the longer term uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), and the uptrend could be expected to resume after touching the lower line of the channel. Only a clear break below the channel support could signal completion of the uptrend from 1.5854.

الباوند دولار في اتجاة هابط وبيتم التعامل م الصعود البادي من 16475 علي انة حركة تصحيح للاتجاة الهابط
ومن المتوقع ان يهبط الزوج الي الحد السفلي للقناة الصاعدة علي فريم 4 ساعات
لهذا ممكن نتظر تكوين شمعة صاعدة بين بار ومن ثم الدخول

تسويق اون لاين
28-01-2014, 02:04 PM
موضوع مميز فى تحليلات الفوركس (http://forexgn.com/technical_analysis/id-1)

شكرا جدا اتمنى ان يحقق الفوركس (http://forexgn.com/)انتشار كبير فى العالم العربى

29-01-2014, 12:24 PM
الباوند دولار 29/1
GBPUSD is in consolidation of the uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low). Another fall to the bottom of the price channel on 4-hour chart would likely be seen. As long as the channel support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and one more rise towards 1.7000 could is possible. Only a clear break below the channel support could signal completion of the uptrend from 1.5854.
السعر حتي الان في اتجاة صاعد طالما ان مستويات الحد السفلي للقناة اصلاعدة علي فريم 4 ساعات صامدة فهي فرص طيبة للشراء لاستهدلاف 1.70

29-01-2014, 12:24 PM
No changed in our view, EURUSD remains in uptrend from 1.3507, the fall from 1.3739 is likely consolidation of the uptrend. Support is at 1.3595, as long as this level holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and next target would be at 1.3800 area.
لا تغير علي الاطلاق في التحليل
اليورو صاعد طالما مستويات 137 صامدة

29-01-2014, 12:29 PM
نخلي بالنا من بيان اللجنة الفيدرالية الامريكية
وموشر مخزونات النفطك الخام في تمام الساعة 9م

30-01-2014, 03:59 PM
اليورو دولار 30/1
EURUSD's fall from 1.3739 extended to as low as 1.3603. However, the fall is likely consolidation of the uptrend from 1.3507. as long as 1.3595 support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and one more rise to 1.3800 area is still possible.
اليورو دولار في ترند صاعد طالما ان 13590صامدة ولم يتم كسرها الي الاسفل بشمعة 4 ساعات

30-01-2014, 04:00 PM
GBPUSD remains in short term downtrend from 1.6668, the rise from 1.6474 is treated as correction of the downtrend. Another fall towards the bottom of the price channel on 4-hour chart would likely be seen after correction. On the upside, the fall from 1.6668 would possibly be consolidation of the longer term uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), as long as the channel support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and one more rise towards 1.7000 is still possible.

30-01-2014, 04:46 PM
السلام عليكم، أستاذ علي أرجوك تحليل مختصر لليرو دولار أنا دخلت عدة صفقات شراء والسعر نازل هل أقفل على خساره أم أنتظر؟ سعر دخول أول صفقه 1.3682


30-01-2014, 06:35 PM
السلام عليكم، أستاذ علي أرجوك تحليل مختصر لليرو دولار أنا دخلت عدة صفقات شراء والسعر نازل هل أقفل على خساره أم أنتظر؟ سعر دخول أول صفقه 1.3682

نحتاج علي الاقل اغلاق اعلي 13570 للدخول شراء علي فريم الساعة
دي مش توصية لكن دة مجرد راس شخصي
اطلع بردوة علي ورشة التحليل حتي تتضح لك الصورة

30-01-2014, 06:36 PM
ورشة تحليل اليورو دولار (http://www.fx-arabia.com/vb/showthread.php?t=16309&goto=newpost)

30-01-2014, 06:45 PM
أأخ طارق مامعنى كل هاذا؟ يعني أقفل أو أنتظر حسب رأيك؟ شكرا

30-01-2014, 06:59 PM
أأخ طارق مامعنى كل هاذا؟ يعني أقفل أو أنتظر حسب رأيك؟ شكرا

انتظر اغلاق شمعة صاعدة علي 4 ساعات اعلي 13550
ومن ثم ممكن تدخل شراء
لان لو الزوج اغلق اسفل الدعم 13570 بشمعة ساعة هابطة وراد نري تراجع الي 13550
ومن ثم نتظر اي برايس اكشن عند 13550 عشان ندخل شراء
لكن اغلق اسفل 13550 يبقي كدة الهبوط هو اللي وراد بقوة
علي 4 ساعات
لو اغلق اسفل 13570 بشمعة هابطة ممكن نشوفة الي الدعم رقم 3 علي الديلي
علي الساعة لو قفل تحت 13570 هيروح الي 13550
يعني لا تدخل شراء ولا بيع الان
حتي تضح الصورة

31-01-2014, 11:40 AM
EURUSD is facing 1.3507 support, a breakdown below this level will signal resumption of the downtrend from 1.3892, then next target would be at 1.3400 area. However, as long as 1.3507 support holds, lengthier sideways movement could be expected to continue, and one more rise to 1.0800 area is still possible.
اليوور دولار
حتي الان في ترند صاعد طالما ان مستويات 13507 صامدة
كسر المستوي الي الاسفل سيهبط بالاسعار الي الاسفل

31-01-2014, 11:42 AM
الباوند دولار
GBPUSD's downward movement from 1.6668 extended to as low as 1.6445. Deeper decline to test the support of the lower line of the price channel on 4-hour chart is possible. As long as the channel support holds, the fall from 1.6668 could be treated as consolidation of the longer term uptrend from 1.5854 (Nov 12, 2013 low), one more rise towards 1.7000 could be expected after consolidation. On the downside, a clear break below the channel support will indicate that the uptrend from 1.5854 had completed at 1.6668 already, then the pair will find support around 1.6000.

الباوند دولار في صعودحتي الان طالما ان مستويات 16450 صامدة
الحد السفلي للقناة اصلاعدة علي 4 ساعات كسرها الي الاسفل سيهبط بالاسعار الي 16395
ممكن لاتعامل مع الهبوط الحاصل الان انة تصحيح للاتجاة الصعودي من 15860

31-01-2014, 11:45 AM
جزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا

31-01-2014, 12:02 PM
جزاكم الله خيرا كثيرا

العفو اخي الكريم
جزاك الله خيرا
تقبل تحياتي

01-02-2014, 12:51 PM
اجازة سعيد ة للجميع

03-02-2014, 06:52 PM
اليورو دولار يوم
EURUSD broke below 1.3507 support and reached as low as 1.3479, indicating that the downtrend from 1.3892 has resumed. Deeper decline could be expected in a couple of days, and next target would be at 1.3400 area. Resistance is at 1.3570, only break above this level could suggest that lengthier consolidation of the downtrend is underway, then further rise to 1.3700 area could be seen

اليورو دولار في اتجاة عام يميل الي الهبوط بعد كسر خط الترند الصاعد والاغلاق اسفل منة
بشمعة ديلي
ليكون الهدف القادم للهبوط 134
وطالما ان مستويات 13570 صامدة الهبوط محتمل ان يستمر ام في حال كسرها الي الاعلي فمن الممكن ان نشهد حركة
صعود مرة اخر ي
ودة تحليل نيل فولر
he EURUSD continued moving lower Friday and showed no signs of bouncing at support near 1.3505 area, in fact the market closed below that support, ending the week at 1.3484. Note the pin bar sell signal that we first discussed in our January 24th commentary that kicked off this recent move lower. This pin bar signal was clearly protruding out from and rejecting the resistance at 1.3700, indicating that it had a high-probability of kicking off a bearish move like we saw last week. This week, we could see more bearish momentum with key support not seen until down near 1.3300. Any upward retraces can be watched for potential price action sell opportunities to get short from resistance / value in order to trade back in-line with the recent bearish daily momentum.
بردوة بيقول هبوط اليورو دولار
وعلي اساس ظهور شمعة بين ابر عاكسة لاتجاة الصاعد من مقاومة 137

03-02-2014, 06:53 PM

03-02-2014, 07:03 PM
الباوند دولار
BPUSD's downward movement extended to as low as 1.6420. Deeper decline would likely be seen, and the target would be at the bottom of the price channel on 4-hour chart. Resistance is at 1.6520, only break above this level could signal completion of the downtrend.
الزوج في اتجاة عام هابط
طالما ان مستويات 15620 صامدة فهي فرص جيدة للبيع
نيل فولر بيقول
The GBPUSD has lost ground for the last 4 days in a row. The market rotated lower after hitting key resistance up near 1.6600 and failing to sustain itself above that level. We can see from the daily chart below that this market is in a trading range right now between about 1.6600 resistance and support near 1.6300. We could see the market re-test 1.6300 key support before it makes another significant move higher. Traders can watch for price action sell signals this week on any rotations higher whilst the market is contained below that key 1.6600 resistance level.
نفس الكلام الزوج هابط ومن المحتمل اانا نشوف اعادة اختبار الي مستويات الدعوم الموجودة عند 163
نستغل اي ارتفاع
من اجل البيع

04-02-2014, 02:26 PM
, 2013 low) had completed. The pair is now in downtrend from 1.6668, further decline could be expected after a minor consolidation, and next target would be at 1.6200 area. Resistance is at 1.6380, as long as this level holds, the downtrend will continue
الباوند دولار
الي الهبوط بعد كسر مستويات الدعوم السفلية علي فريم الاربع ساعات التي تعادل الحد الادني للقناة الصاعدة
طالما ان مستوويات 13680 صامدةالزوج الي البهوط
همسة ممكن ندخل الان بغرض استهداف الوصل الي مستويات المقاومات ومن هناك نبحث عن اشارات بيع

04-02-2014, 02:27 PM
اليورو دولار يوم 4/2/2014
URUSD remains in downtrend from 1.3739, the rise from 1.3477 could be treated as consolidation of the downtrend. Resistance is at 1.3570, as long as this level holds, the downtrend could be expected to continue, and next target would be at 1.3400 area. Only break above 1.3570 resistance will indicate that lengthier consolidation of the longer term downtrend from 1.3892 is underway, then further rise to 1.3700 area could be seen.
اليورو دولار هابط حتي الان علي الرغم من اصعود الذي حدث
من 13477 الذي نتعامل مع علي انة تصحيح لاتجاة الهابط من مستويا 13745
طالما ان 13570 صامدة اليورو الي الهبوط

05-02-2014, 04:28 PM
اليورو دولار 5/2
No changed in our view, EURUSD remains in downtrend from 1.3739. Another fall could be expected after a minor consolidation, and next target would be at 1.3400 area. Resistance is at 1.3570, only break above this level could signal completion of the downtrend.
لا يختلف التحليل كثيرا
الاتجاة بشكل عام الي الهبوط
طالما ان مستويات المقاومة 13570 صامدة
من الممكن ان نشاهد ارتفاع ضيق الي 13550 ثم الي 13570 ومن ثم الفشل لافي الاغلاق اعلي منها سيدفع بالسعر الي الهبوط مجدد

05-02-2014, 04:29 PM
الباوند دولار
GBPUSD's downward movement from 1.6668 extended to as low as 1.6257. Deeper decline would likely be seen, and next target would be at 1.6200 area. Resistance is at 1.6380, only break above this level could signal completion of the downtrend.

ايضا نفس التحليل السابق
صمود 16380 وعدم كسرها يعني ان الاسعار الي المزيد من الهبوط

10-02-2014, 12:52 PM
اليورو دولار

The EURUSD is in a trading range right now between 1.3700 resistance and support down near 1.3475 as we can see in the daily chart below. The market continued pushing higher on Friday following Thursday’s strong surge higher after rejecting support near 1.3475. We could see the market re-test the resistance near the top of this trading range up at 1.3700 this week, if that happens traders can keep an eye out for bearish there to trade back down toward the trading range support.

السعر سيتجة الي مقاومة 137 ومن هناكك نبحث عن شارة بيع

11-02-2014, 12:46 PM
اليور دولار
EURUSD's rise from 1.3477 extended to as high as 1.3642. The uptrend could be expected to continue, and the target would be at the upper line of the price channel on 4-hour chart. However, the rise would possibly be consolidation of the downtrend from 1.3892 (Dec 27, 2013 high), as long as the channel resistance holds, one more fall to 1.3400 area is still possible. Support is at 1.3550, a breakdown below this level could signal resumption of the downtrend.
الاتجاة العام حتي الان يميل الي الصعود
والهدف الحد العلوي للقناة الصاعدة علي 4 ساعات عند 13790
طالما ان هذة المستويات صامدة فالاتجاة قد يكمل صعود
اما في حال الاغلاق اسفل 13550 فالاتجاة سيكون هابط

11-02-2014, 12:47 PM
الباوند دولار
GBPUSD broke above 1.6400 resistance, suggesting that the downward movement from 1.6668 had completed, and the pair is now in uptrend from 1.6252. Further rally could be expected, and next target would be at 1.6550 area. Support levels are at 1.6340 and 1.6252, only break below these levels could trigger another fall to 1.6150 zone.
الزوج صاعد طالما ان مستويات 164 و 16430 صامدة لاستهداف 16550

13-02-2014, 10:47 AM
EURUSD failed to break above the upper line of the price channel on 4-hour chart, and pulled back from 1.3682, suggesting that the upward movement from 1.3477 is complete. Further decline could be expected in a couple of days, and next target would be at 1.3500 area. Key resistance is now at 1.3682, only break above this level will indicate that the longer term downtrend from 1.3892 (Dec 27, 2013 high) had completed at 1.3477 already, then the following upward movement could bring price to 1.4000 zone.

اليورو دولار اغلق بالامس علي هبوط بعد ان وصل الي مستويات 13560
الان لدلنا مقاومة هامة 13640 الاغلاق اعلي منها ترفع الاسعار الي 13680
الفشل في الاغلاق اعلي 13640 الهبوط وراد بقوة الي مستويات 135

13-02-2014, 10:49 AM
GBPUSD is facing 1.6668 resistance, a break above this level will indicate that the longer term uptrend from 1.4813 (Jul 9, 2013 low) has resumed, then further rise to 1.7000 area could be seen. Support is at 1.6520, only break below this level could trigger another fall to 1.6100 zone.
الباوند دولار
بقاء مستويات مقاومة 1.6650 صامدة فرص للبيع
كسرها الي الاعلي فرص لشراء باهداف 170

30-06-2014, 04:22 PM
التحليلات الفنية
ليوم 30-6-2014
من المواقع الاجنبية المختلفة

The EURUSD moved higher on Friday as the market continues to grind higher, up toward 1.3670 resistance. This resistance level will be important this week. If the market stays contained under it or forms a daily chart sell signal near it, we could see lower prices. However, if this recent bullish momentum continues and price closes above 1.3670 on the daily chart, it would be a bullish sign that could lead to a continuation of this recent move higher.
طبعا اليورو دولار في ترند هابط قوي وواضح علي فريم الديلي
الان لدينا كما يقول نيل فولر مستويات مقاومة هامة جدا عند مستويات 13660 13670
طالما ان الاسعار اسفل منها دة ممكن يهبط باليورو دولار مرة اخري ناحية الدعم الهام عند 13585
اما الشراء سيكون مع الاغلاق اعلي 13660لانة سيعيد الصعود مرة اخري
علي 4 ساعات
واضح ان هناك اغلاق واختراق لمقاومة 13660
الهامة لو اغلق اعلي منها بشمعة يوم علي الاقل هيصعد السعر مرة اخري

30-06-2014, 04:25 PM
The GBPUSD gained slight ground on Friday in what was a pretty quiet trading session. The trend is clearly still bullish in this market and this week our outlook remains the same; we will be looking for price action buy signals from support to rejoin the uptrend from value.
السعر في ترند عام صاعد لكن يفضل ان ندخل مع التصصحيح الي الاسفل ناحية 16950

30-06-2014, 04:28 PM
الاسترالي دولار
The AUDUSD moved higher last week as the market continues to remain buoyant. We can see that price is grinding up toward that key resistance near 0.9445 – 0.9460 and if this recent bullish momentum continues this week we could see price breakout above that resistance and continue pushing higher.
الزوج في ترند عام صاعد لكن لابد ان يكسر مقاومة 9460 لاكمال الصعود

01-07-2014, 03:05 PM
التحليلات الفنية
يوم 1-7-2014

The bairs initially fell towards the 1.70 handle during the session on Monday, but as you can see absolutely exploded to the upside and broke out. The break out during the session on Monday cleared a massive resistance area from the monthly chart, and as a result the market should continue to go much higher now, probably to the 1.75 level if the longer-term charts are to be believed. The British economy is starting to pull out of recession anyway, so makes quite a bit of sense to go long at this point in time as the US GDP revision numbers were absolutely horrible last week.
With that in mind, I believe that the market should continue to be one of those that you can “by on dips”, and as a result we should see plenty of short-term traders come into push the market higher time and time again. With that, we feel the market is going to continue to be bullish, and that the 1.69 level is not only supportive, abides now the “floor” in this market, assuming that we can even get that low. In fact, would be very surprised if the market even got below the 1.70 level at this moment.
We will continue to add to the position that we are already in, as we believe pyramiding can be done over the longer term, building a massive position. Anytime this market sells off, there should be plenty of support below, and as a result looking at short-term charts might be the route to truly making large amounts of money in this market. The move to the 1.75 level won’t necessarily be overnight, but it should be rather relentless. Based upon the large move during the session, and the fact that we close towards the very top of the range suggests that the underlying pressure will in fact continue over the longer term as well. Simply put, this has been without a doubt a significant and very telling break out to the upside and above the last vestiges of resistance.
السعر لا يزال في الترند الصاعد خاصة بعد كسر مستويات 170ووصلة الي 17150
وهو الان مرشح لاكمال الصعود اكثر

01-07-2014, 03:07 PM
The broke higher during the session on Monday, slamming into the 1.37 handle. This is an area that’s been significant resistance previously, so it makes sense that the market stopped right there. However, the fact that we are closing out the top of the range suggests that the market is going to make a significant attempt to break out to the upside. However, we do not feel comfortable buying into we get above the 1.3750 level, as it would be a clearance of the potential “zone” above. On the other hand, if we pullback to there could be enough buying pressure below in order to make buying supportive candles possible.
الزوج قد يستمر في الصعود ولكن لابدج من كسر مستويات 13750 لتاكيد الصعود

01-07-2014, 03:09 PM
The Pair initially fell during the session on Monday, but found enough support below at the 0.94 level to turn things back around and form a big hammer. The hammer should in fact show that there is plenty of support below, but we recognize that the 0.9450 level is resistive, and we believe that the 0.95 level above should be the top of the resistance. In other words, it’s a very thick “zone”, and with that be very hesitant to buy this market until we are above the 0.95 handle, but recognize it as a nice buying opportunity when it does in fact happen
الزوج في صعود لكن لابد من كسر مستويات 9450 والاغلاق اعلي منها بشمعة يوم علي الاقل

02-07-2014, 12:01 PM
علي بركة الله
تحليلات يوم 2-7-2014 من المواقع الاجنبية
اولا اليورو دولار

EURUSD's upward movement from 1.3512 extended to as high as 1.3700. Further rise could be expected after consolidation, and next target would be at 1.3800 area. Key support is at the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, as long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend will continue.

اليورو دولار في ترند عام صاعد والتارجت القادم لة سيكون مستويات 13800
طالما ان الترند لاين الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات صامد تحديد مستويات 13575
لذلك قج نشهد هبوط تصحييح الي مناطق 13575 قبل اكمال الصعود

الباوند دولار

GBPUSD stays above the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, and remains in uptrend from 1.6692. As long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could be expected to continue, and next target would be at 1.7300 area. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will indicate that consolidation of the uptrend is underway, then deeper decline to test 1.6952 key support is possible.

الكيبل في ترند صاعد بعد اختراق مقاومة 171 واغلاق شمعة ديلي اعلي منها
طالما ان الرتند لاين الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات لم يتم كسرة السعر قج يكمل الي 173
اما في حال كسر السعر الترند الصاعد قد يهبط الي 16950

الاسترالي دولار
AUDUSD's upwards movement extended to as high as 0.9504. Support is now located at the rising trend line on 4-hour chart. As long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could expected to continue, and next target would be at 0.9550 area. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will signal completion of the uptrend, then deeper decline to 0.9250 area could be seen.

الزوج في ترند صاعد طالما اعلي مستويات الترند لاين الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات والهدف قدي كون 0.9550
اما في حال كسر ميتوات الترند الصاعد علي فيم 4 ساعات الزوج قد يهبط مرة اخري الي 9250

03-07-2014, 01:35 PM
السلام عليكم
التحليلات الفنية الاجنبية ليوم 3-7-2014
اليورو دولار

EURUSD stays above the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, and remains in uptrend from 1.3512, the fall from 1.3700 could be treated as consolidation of the uptrend. As long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise to 1.3800 area is still possible. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will indicate that the uptrend from 1.3512 had completed at 1.3700 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to re-test 1.3502 support.

الزوج صاعد طالما اعلي مستويات الترند الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات والهدف 13725
انا في حال كسر الترند الصاعد والاغلاق اسفل منة سيهبط الزوج الي 13505

Sherif Ali
03-07-2014, 01:36 PM
السلام عليكم أعتقد إن اليوم كمان التقارير المهمة على اليورو و الدولار هيكون لها تأثير كبير جمعة مباركة على الجميع

03-07-2014, 01:47 PM
GBPUSD remains in uptrend from 1.6692, and the rise extended to as high as 1.7176. Near term support is located at the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, as long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend could be expected to continue, and next target would be at 1.7300 area. On the downside, a clear break below the trend line support will indicate that consolidation of the uptrend is underway, then deeper decline to test 1.6952 key support is possible.
الباوند دولار
ايضا في ترند صاعد طالما اعلي مستويات الترند الصاعد 170 والهدف سيكون 173
اما في حال كسر الترند الصاعد والاغلاق اسفل منة سيهبط الاسعار مرة اخري الي 16950


03-07-2014, 02:11 PM
الاسترالي دولار
AUDUSD broke below the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, indicating that the uptrend from 0.9208 had completed at 0.9504 already. Further decline could be expected, and next target would be at 0.9250 area. Resistance levels are at 0.9445 and 0.9504, only break above these levels could trigger another rise towards 0.9750.

الزوج كسر الترند الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات وهو الان الي الهبوط طالما السعر اسفل الترند المكسور


03-07-2014, 02:12 PM
السلام عليكم أعتقد إن اليوم كمان التقارير المهمة على اليورو و الدولار هيكون لها تأثير كبير جمعة مباركة على الجميع
يا اهلا بيك
فعلا التقارير اليوم هتاثر بشكل قوي علي الازواج
علي العموم متابعين وربنا يسهل الامور

04-07-2014, 11:03 PM
تحليلات الجمعة 4-7-2014

GBPUSD remains in uptrend from 1.6692, the fall from 1.7176 is likely consolidation of the uptrend. Key support is now located at the lower line of the price channel on 4-hour chart. As long as the channel support holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 1.7300 is still possible. On the downside, a clear break below the channel support will indicate that the uptrend had completed at 1.7176 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 1.6850 area.

الباوند في ترند صاعد طالما اعلي الترند الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات
اما في حال كسر الترند الصاعد السعر سيكون اكمل صعودة عند 17175 وسيهبط مرة اخري


04-07-2014, 11:04 PM
EURUSD broke below the upward trend line on 4-hour chart, indicating that the uptrend from 1.3512 had completed at 1.3700 already. The pair is now in downtrend, further decline could be expected, and next target would be at 1.3500 area. Resistance is at 1.3700, only break above this level could trigger another rise to 1.3800 zone.
اليورو دولار في كسر الترند الصاعد علي فريم 4 ساعات
وبيتداول اسفل منة الان مما يجعل الزوج في طريقة الي مستويات 13505


06-07-2014, 10:33 PM
التحليلات الفنية
ليوم 6-7-2014 من المواقع الفوركس العالمية
الاسترالي دولار
After breaking above 0.9461 resistance, AUDUSD pulled back from 0.9504, indicating that lengthier consolidation of the uptrend from 0.8660 is underway. Deeper decline to test 0.9202 support would likely be seen next week, as long as this level holds, the uptrend could be expected to resume, and another rise towards 1.0000 is still possible. On the downside, a breakdown below 0.9202 support will indicate that the uptrend from 0.8660 had completed at 0.9504 already, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 0.8000 area.

الزوج قد يستمر في الهبوط ناحية مستويات 92 مرة اخري هذا الاسبوع في حال صمود مستويات مقاومة 9360
http://charts.mql5.com/5/146/audusd-h4-fxdirectdealer.png (http://charts.mql5.com/5/146/audusd-h4-fxdirectdealer.png)

06-07-2014, 10:34 PM
GBPUSD's upward movement from 1.4813 (Jul 9, 2013 low) extended to as high as 1.7179. Further rise is still possible next week, and next target would be at 1.7500 area. Near term support is located at the upward trend line on daily chart, as long as the trend line support holds, the uptrend will continue. Key support is at 1.6692, only break below this level will indicate that the uptrend is complete, then the following downward movement could bring price back to 1.5000 area.

الزوج في ترند عام صاعد خاصة مع وجود ترند صاعد علي فريم الديلي
مما يوحي باتكمال السعر لصعود مرة واخري والهدف 175
طالما ان مستويات الترند الصاعد علي فريم ساعات صامدة ولم يتم كسرها الي الاسفل
https://charts.mql5.com/5/146/gbpusd-h4-fxdirectdealer-2.png (https://charts.mql5.com/5/146/gbpusd-h4-fxdirectdealer-2.png)

اليورو دولار
EURUSD's bounce from 1.3503 reached 1.3700 only, the subsequent fall is likely resumption of the downtrend from 1.3993. Deeper decline to re-test 1.3477 key support is possible next week, a breakdown below this level will confirm that the uptrend from 1.2747 (Apr 4, 2013 low) had completed at 1.3993 already, then the following downward movement could bring price to 1.1500 area. Near term resistance is at 1.3700, only break above this level could trigger another rise to test 1.3993 previous high resistance.

الاسبوع دة الزوج بيواجة هبوط محتمل بسبب عدم كسر مستويات 13620 خاصة مع كسر الترند لاين الصاعد
مما يجعل الزوج مرشح لهبوط اكثر ناحية مستويات 13502
https://charts.mql5.com/5/146/eurusd-h4-fxdirectdealer-2.png (https://charts.mql5.com/5/146/eurusd-h4-fxdirectdealer-2.png)