اف اكس ارابيا..الموقع الرائد فى تعليم فوركس Forex

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SCOOORPION 19-10-2010 04:08 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة SCOOORPION (المشاركة 72410)

نغلق الان على 75 + ربح

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:37 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
CHANC. OSBORNE: Today is the day that Britain steps back from the the brink; Hard road will lead to a better future.

Actions since May moved UK away from danger zone and brought "breathing space"

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:42 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
UK is set to achieve structural balance by 2014-15; Real spending in 2015 will be the same as 2008.

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:44 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
اغلاق شمعة ربع او نصف ساعة اعلى مستوى 1.5750
سأدخل شراء
بهدف 50 نقطة
و الاستوب اغلاق اسفل 1.5715
الله الموفق

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:47 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:48 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
Pledges 100M pound hardship fund; Royal household spending to fall by 14% in 2012/3.

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 02:50 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
$GBPUSD: A muted response so far in the pair as Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne lays out details of UK spending cuts.

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 03:01 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
Aims to get maximum sustainable tax from banks, the UK will tax the banking industry going forward.

The UK will introduce a permanent levy on banks, with aim to raise more each year than bonus tax.

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 03:23 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6

UK seeks 20B pounds of NHS efficiency savings by 2014; total health spending will rise more than inflation, est. 114B pounds in 4yr

Government to cover cost of relative loss; UK to expand apprenticeships program by 50%; Business dept to achieve savings of 7.1%

SCOOORPION 20-10-2010 03:25 PM

رد: ورشــة العــقــارب 10E6
ECB: Stark says globalization has increased uncertainty; says statistics must be comparable internationally

ECB البنك المركزى الاوروبى

الساعة الآن 06:05 AM

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