
جديد المواضيع


منتدى تعليم الفوركس يحتوى المنتدى التعليمى على العديد من المراجع و الكتب و المؤلفات التى تساهم فى تعليم المضاربين اصول و فنون تداول العملات (الفوركس) منتدى الفوركس ، المواد التعليمية ل سوق الفوركس ، دروس ، تحيلي رقمى ، كتب ، مقالات تعليمية ، دورات فوركس مجانية ، تعليم تحليل فني ، تحليل اساسي ، موجات اليوت ، فيبوناتشي ، تعليم فوركس ، برامج التداول ، تعليم الفوركس بالفيديو ، شروحات . تعلم الفوركس , تعليم الفوركس , فيديو فوركس , افضل دورة فوركس , دورة فوركس مجانية , دورة فوركس , ربح فوركس , استراتيجية فوركس , فيديو فوركس تعليمى , فيديو فوركس و الكثير.

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أدوات الموضوع
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:42 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةالدرس الاول : أفضل الأوقات لمتاجرة العملات نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
سوق العملات هو سوق يعمل على مدار 24 ساعة ويمكن أن يكون هناك إعدادات أفضل للتجارة المربحة في الفترات الأسيوية والأوربية والأمريكية ، وبالعودة إلى مخططات الأسعار التاريخية القديمة يمكن أن نستشعر أفضل الأوقات خلال اليوم الذي يمكن أن تشاهد السوق فيه وتعمل فيه ، والهدف هو أن تتاجر على مدى تجارة متوسط جيد ونافع وتبتعد عن السوق عندما يتحرك السوق في نطاق ضيق .

اليورو - دولار EUR/USD
في خلال الجلسة الآسيوية في المتوسط يتم متاجرة 15% من إجمالي حجم التبادلات ولكنها ما تزال جيدة ، و 39% من إجمالي حجم التبادلات في كل سوق العملات أثناء الجلسة الأوربية

الباوند - دولار GBP/USD
في الغالب يتم تداول الباوند بشكل خفيف قبل وأثناء الجلسة الأسيوية لكنها تبقى حركات جيدة ، والسوق يمكن أن يكون هادئا في منتصف الفترة الآسيوية ، وفي الجلسة الأوربية يتم تداول ما حجمه 23% من إجمالي حجوم كل سوق العملات .

الدولار - ين USD/JPY
في أثناء الجلسة الأسيوية فإن 78% من إجمالي حجوم سوق العملات ، وتنخفض إلى 17% خلال الجلسة الأوربية ، ولكنها تبقى مشجعة للتداول .

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس

قديم 11-06-2010, 10:42 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلةالدرس الاول : أفضل الأوقات لمتاجرة العملات نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة
سوق العملات هو سوق يعمل على مدار 24 ساعة ويمكن أن يكون هناك إعدادات أفضل للتجارة المربحة في الفترات الأسيوية والأوربية والأمريكية ، وبالعودة إلى مخططات الأسعار التاريخية القديمة يمكن أن نستشعر أفضل الأوقات خلال اليوم الذي يمكن أن تشاهد السوق فيه وتعمل فيه ، والهدف هو أن تتاجر على مدى تجارة متوسط جيد ونافع وتبتعد عن السوق عندما يتحرك السوق في نطاق ضيق .

اليورو - دولار EUR/USD
في خلال الجلسة الآسيوية في المتوسط يتم متاجرة 15% من إجمالي حجم التبادلات ولكنها ما تزال جيدة ، و 39% من إجمالي حجم التبادلات في كل سوق العملات أثناء الجلسة الأوربية

الباوند - دولار GBP/USD
في الغالب يتم تداول الباوند بشكل خفيف قبل وأثناء الجلسة الأسيوية لكنها تبقى حركات جيدة ، والسوق يمكن أن يكون هادئا في منتصف الفترة الآسيوية ، وفي الجلسة الأوربية يتم تداول ما حجمه 23% من إجمالي حجوم كل سوق العملات .

الدولار - ين USD/JPY
في أثناء الجلسة الأسيوية فإن 78% من إجمالي حجوم سوق العملات ، وتنخفض إلى 17% خلال الجلسة الأوربية ، ولكنها تبقى مشجعة للتداول .

رد مع اقتباس

قديم 11-06-2010, 10:46 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة الدرس الثانى : مواعيد بدأ ونهاية الجلسات نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

الجلسة الأسيوية تبدأ الساعة 0.00 توقيت غرينتش بعد منتصف الليل أو 7 مساء توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 9.00 صباحا توقيت غرينيتش أو 4 صباحا تخمين

الجلسة الأوروبية وهي السوق الأكبر وتفتح في 7.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو 2 صباحا توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 17.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو منتصف الظهر بتوقيت شرق أمريكيا .

الجلسة الأمريكية في توقيت غرينيتش أو 8 صباحا توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 22.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو 5 مساء بتوقيت شرق أمريكا ، وأفضل متاجرة تحدث في الساعات الثلاث الأولى

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:46 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة الدرس الثانى : مواعيد بدأ ونهاية الجلسات نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

الجلسة الأسيوية تبدأ الساعة 0.00 توقيت غرينتش بعد منتصف الليل أو 7 مساء توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 9.00 صباحا توقيت غرينيتش أو 4 صباحا تخمين

الجلسة الأوروبية وهي السوق الأكبر وتفتح في 7.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو 2 صباحا توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 17.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو منتصف الظهر بتوقيت شرق أمريكيا .

الجلسة الأمريكية في توقيت غرينيتش أو 8 صباحا توقيت شرق أمريكا وتغلق في 22.00 توقيت غرينيتش أو 5 مساء بتوقيت شرق أمريكا ، وأفضل متاجرة تحدث في الساعات الثلاث الأولى

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:49 AM   المشاركة رقم: 3
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

(Glossary of Forex (Foreign Exchange) Terminology )

Aggregate Demand -
The sum of government spending, personal consumption expenditures, and business expenditures.
Appreciation - A currency is said to ‘appreciate ‘ when it strengthens in price in response to market demand.
Arbitrage - The purchase or sale of an instrument and simultaneous taking of an equal and opposite position in a related market, in order to take advantage of small price differentials between markets.
Around - Dealer jargon used in quoting when the forward premium/discount is near parity. For example, “two-two around” would translate into 2 points to either side of the present spot.
Ask Rate - The rate at which a financial instrument if offered for sale (as in bid/ask spread).
Asset Allocation - Investment practice that divides funds among different markets to achieve diversification for risk management purposes and/or expected returns consistent with an investor’s objectives.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:49 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

(Glossary of Forex (Foreign Exchange) Terminology )

Aggregate Demand -
The sum of government spending, personal consumption expenditures, and business expenditures.
Appreciation - A currency is said to ‘appreciate ‘ when it strengthens in price in response to market demand.
Arbitrage - The purchase or sale of an instrument and simultaneous taking of an equal and opposite position in a related market, in order to take advantage of small price differentials between markets.
Around - Dealer jargon used in quoting when the forward premium/discount is near parity. For example, “two-two around” would translate into 2 points to either side of the present spot.
Ask Rate - The rate at which a financial instrument if offered for sale (as in bid/ask spread).
Asset Allocation - Investment practice that divides funds among different markets to achieve diversification for risk management purposes and/or expected returns consistent with an investor’s objectives.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:55 AM   المشاركة رقم: 4
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Back Office
- The departments and processes related to the settlement of financial transactions.
Balance of Trade - The value of a country’s exports minus its imports.

Bar Charts - Standard bar charts are commonly used to convey price activity into an easily readable chart. Usually four elements make up a bar chart, the Open, High, Low, and Close for the trading session/time period. A price bar can represent any time frame the user wishes, from 1 minute to 1 month. The total vertical length/height of the bar represents the entire trading range for the period. The top of the bar represents the highest price of the period, and the bottom of the bar represents the lowest price of the period. The Open is represented by a small dash to the left of the bar, and the Close for the session is a small dash to the right of the bar.
Base Currency - In general terms, the base currency is the currency in which an investor or issuer maintains its book of accounts. In the FX markets, the US Dollar is normally considered the ‘base’ currency for quotes, meaning that quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The primary exceptions to this rule are the British Pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar.
Bear Market - A market distinguished by declining prices.
Bid Rate - The rate at which a trader is willing to buy a currency.
Bid/Ask Spread
- The difference between the bid and offer price, and the most widely used measure of market liquidity.
Big Figure - Dealer expression referring to the first few digits of an exchange rate. These digits rarely change in normal market fluctuations, and therefore are omitted in dealer quotes, especially in times of high market activity. For example, a USD/Yen rate might be 107.30/107.35, but would be quoted verbally without the first three digits i.e. “30/35”.
Book - In a professional trading environment, a ‘book’ is the summary of a trader’s or desk’s total positions.
Broker - An individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission. In contrast, a ‘dealer’ commits capital and takes one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party.
Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 - An agreement that established fixed foreign exchange rates for major currencies, provided for central bank intervention in the currency markets, and pegged the price of gold at US $35 per ounce. The agreement lasted until 1971, when President Nixon overturned the Bretton Woods agreement and established a floating exchange rate for the major currencies.
Bull Market - A market distinguished by rising prices.
Bundesbank - Germany’s Central Bank.

- In the forex market currencies are always priced in pairs; therefore all trades result in the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. The objective of currency trading is to buy the currency that increases in value relative to the one you sold. If you have bought a currency and the price appreciates in value, then you must sell the currency back in order to lock in the profit.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:55 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Back Office
- The departments and processes related to the settlement of financial transactions.
Balance of Trade - The value of a country’s exports minus its imports.

Bar Charts - Standard bar charts are commonly used to convey price activity into an easily readable chart. Usually four elements make up a bar chart, the Open, High, Low, and Close for the trading session/time period. A price bar can represent any time frame the user wishes, from 1 minute to 1 month. The total vertical length/height of the bar represents the entire trading range for the period. The top of the bar represents the highest price of the period, and the bottom of the bar represents the lowest price of the period. The Open is represented by a small dash to the left of the bar, and the Close for the session is a small dash to the right of the bar.
Base Currency - In general terms, the base currency is the currency in which an investor or issuer maintains its book of accounts. In the FX markets, the US Dollar is normally considered the ‘base’ currency for quotes, meaning that quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The primary exceptions to this rule are the British Pound, the Euro and the Australian Dollar.
Bear Market - A market distinguished by declining prices.
Bid Rate - The rate at which a trader is willing to buy a currency.
Bid/Ask Spread
- The difference between the bid and offer price, and the most widely used measure of market liquidity.
Big Figure - Dealer expression referring to the first few digits of an exchange rate. These digits rarely change in normal market fluctuations, and therefore are omitted in dealer quotes, especially in times of high market activity. For example, a USD/Yen rate might be 107.30/107.35, but would be quoted verbally without the first three digits i.e. “30/35”.
Book - In a professional trading environment, a ‘book’ is the summary of a trader’s or desk’s total positions.
Broker - An individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission. In contrast, a ‘dealer’ commits capital and takes one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party.
Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 - An agreement that established fixed foreign exchange rates for major currencies, provided for central bank intervention in the currency markets, and pegged the price of gold at US $35 per ounce. The agreement lasted until 1971, when President Nixon overturned the Bretton Woods agreement and established a floating exchange rate for the major currencies.
Bull Market - A market distinguished by rising prices.
Bundesbank - Germany’s Central Bank.

- In the forex market currencies are always priced in pairs; therefore all trades result in the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. The objective of currency trading is to buy the currency that increases in value relative to the one you sold. If you have bought a currency and the price appreciates in value, then you must sell the currency back in order to lock in the profit.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:59 AM   المشاركة رقم: 5
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


- Trader jargon referring to the Sterling/US Dollar exchange rate. So called because the rate was originally transmitted via a transatlantic cable beginning in the mid 1800’s.
Candlestick Chart - A chart that indicates the trading range for the day as well as the opening and closing price. If the open price is higher than the close price, the rectangle between the open and close price is shaded. If the close price is higher than the open price, that area of the chart is not shaded.
Central Bank - A government or quasi-governmental organization that manages a country’s monetary policy. For example, the US central bank is the Federal Reserve, and the German central bank is the Bundesbank. others include the ECB, BOE, BOJ.
Chartist - An individual who uses charts and graphs and interprets historical data to find trends and predict future movements. Also referred to as Technical Trader.
Choice Market- A market with no spread. All trades buys and sells occur at that one price
- The process of settling a trade.
Contagion - The tendency of an economic crisis to spread from one market to another. In 1997, political instability in Indonesia caused high volatility in their domestic currency, the Rupiah. From there, the contagion spread to other Asian emerging currencies, and then to Latin America, and is now referred to as the ‘Asian Contagion’. Collateral - Something given to secure a loan or as a guarantee of performance.
Commission – A transaction fee charged by a broker.

Contagion -
The tendency of an economic crisis to spread from one market to another. In 1997, financial instability in Thailand caused high volatility in its domestic currency, the Baht, which triggered a contagion into other East Asian emerging currencies, and then to Latin America. It is now referred to as the Asian Contagion
Confirmation - A document exchanged by counterparts to a transaction that states the terms of said transaction.
Contract - The standard unit of trading.

Contract (Unit or Lot) -
The standard unit of trading on certain exchanges.
Counterparty - One of the participants in a financial transaction.
Country Risk – Risk associated with a cross-border transaction, including but not limited to legal and political conditions such as war etc.
Cross Rates - The exchange rate between two currencies expressed as the ratio of two foreign exchange rates that are both expressed in terms of a third currency. Foreign exchange rate between two currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the currency in which most exchanges are usually quoted.

- Any form of money issued by a government or central bank and used as legal tender and a basis for trade.
Currency Risk - the probability of an adverse change in exchange rates.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 10:59 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


- Trader jargon referring to the Sterling/US Dollar exchange rate. So called because the rate was originally transmitted via a transatlantic cable beginning in the mid 1800’s.
Candlestick Chart - A chart that indicates the trading range for the day as well as the opening and closing price. If the open price is higher than the close price, the rectangle between the open and close price is shaded. If the close price is higher than the open price, that area of the chart is not shaded.
Central Bank - A government or quasi-governmental organization that manages a country’s monetary policy. For example, the US central bank is the Federal Reserve, and the German central bank is the Bundesbank. others include the ECB, BOE, BOJ.
Chartist - An individual who uses charts and graphs and interprets historical data to find trends and predict future movements. Also referred to as Technical Trader.
Choice Market- A market with no spread. All trades buys and sells occur at that one price
- The process of settling a trade.
Contagion - The tendency of an economic crisis to spread from one market to another. In 1997, political instability in Indonesia caused high volatility in their domestic currency, the Rupiah. From there, the contagion spread to other Asian emerging currencies, and then to Latin America, and is now referred to as the ‘Asian Contagion’. Collateral - Something given to secure a loan or as a guarantee of performance.
Commission – A transaction fee charged by a broker.

Contagion -
The tendency of an economic crisis to spread from one market to another. In 1997, financial instability in Thailand caused high volatility in its domestic currency, the Baht, which triggered a contagion into other East Asian emerging currencies, and then to Latin America. It is now referred to as the Asian Contagion
Confirmation - A document exchanged by counterparts to a transaction that states the terms of said transaction.
Contract - The standard unit of trading.

Contract (Unit or Lot) -
The standard unit of trading on certain exchanges.
Counterparty - One of the participants in a financial transaction.
Country Risk – Risk associated with a cross-border transaction, including but not limited to legal and political conditions such as war etc.
Cross Rates - The exchange rate between two currencies expressed as the ratio of two foreign exchange rates that are both expressed in terms of a third currency. Foreign exchange rate between two currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the currency in which most exchanges are usually quoted.

- Any form of money issued by a government or central bank and used as legal tender and a basis for trade.
Currency Risk - the probability of an adverse change in exchange rates.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:02 AM   المشاركة رقم: 6
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Day Trading
- Refers to positions which are opened and closed on the same trading day.
Dealer - An individual who acts as a principal or counterpart to a transaction. Principals take one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party. In contrast, a broker is an individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission.
Deficit - A negative balance of trade or payments.
Delivery - An FX trade where both sides make and take actual delivery of the currencies traded.
- A fall in the value of a currency due to market forces.
Derivative – A contract that changes in value in relation to the price movements of a related or underlying security, future or other physical instrument. An Option is the most common derivative instrument.
Devaluation - The deliberate downward adjustment of a currency’s price, normally by official announcement.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:02 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Day Trading
- Refers to positions which are opened and closed on the same trading day.
Dealer - An individual who acts as a principal or counterpart to a transaction. Principals take one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party. In contrast, a broker is an individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission.
Deficit - A negative balance of trade or payments.
Delivery - An FX trade where both sides make and take actual delivery of the currencies traded.
- A fall in the value of a currency due to market forces.
Derivative – A contract that changes in value in relation to the price movements of a related or underlying security, future or other physical instrument. An Option is the most common derivative instrument.
Devaluation - The deliberate downward adjustment of a currency’s price, normally by official announcement.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:03 AM   المشاركة رقم: 7
معاذ عودات
المدير العام للموقع
الصورة الرمزية معاذ عودات

تاريخ التسجيل: May 2010
رقم العضوية: 39
الدولة: JORDAN
العمر: 36
المشاركات: 48,583
بمعدل : 9.21 يوميا

معاذ عودات متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

اشكرك اخي قبطان على هذا الشرح

ولكن يا ريت الكل بلعربي يكون

لان هناك نسبه كبيره لا يجبد اللغه الانجليزيه بطلاقه

تقبل تحياتي


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FXCommission.com/ best cashback
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عرض البوم صور معاذ عودات  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:03 AM
معاذ عودات معاذ عودات متواجد حالياً
المدير العام للموقع
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

اشكرك اخي قبطان على هذا الشرح

ولكن يا ريت الكل بلعربي يكون

لان هناك نسبه كبيره لا يجبد اللغه الانجليزيه بطلاقه

تقبل تحياتي

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:13 AM   المشاركة رقم: 8
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

Economic Indicator
- Economic indicators such as GDP, foreign investment, and the trade balance reflect the general health of an economy, and are therefore responsible for the underlying shifts in supply and demand for that currency.

End Of Day Order (EOD) - An order to buy or sell at a specified price. This order remains open until the end of the trading day which is typically 5PM ET.
EURO – since 2002 the Euro has been the currency of the European Monetary Union (EMU). A replacement for the European Currency Unit (ECU). Members of the EMU are Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
European Central Bank (ECB) - the Central Bank for the new European Monetary Union.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:13 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس

Economic Indicator
- Economic indicators such as GDP, foreign investment, and the trade balance reflect the general health of an economy, and are therefore responsible for the underlying shifts in supply and demand for that currency.

End Of Day Order (EOD) - An order to buy or sell at a specified price. This order remains open until the end of the trading day which is typically 5PM ET.
EURO – since 2002 the Euro has been the currency of the European Monetary Union (EMU). A replacement for the European Currency Unit (ECU). Members of the EMU are Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
European Central Bank (ECB) - the Central Bank for the new European Monetary Union.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:15 AM   المشاركة رقم: 9
قبطان الفوركس
عضو جديد

تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2010
رقم العضوية: 517
العمر: 38
المشاركات: 10
بمعدل : 0.00 يوميا

قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : قبطان الفوركس المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - The regulatory agency responsible for administering bank depository insurance in the US.
Federal Reserve System - The central bank of the United States, with responsibility for implementing the country's monetary policy and regulating member banks of the System. The Fed was created in 1913 and is composed of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and a national Board of Governors

Fixed Exchange Rate
- Official rate set by monetary authorities for one or more currencies

Floating Exchange Rate

s - Floating exchange rates refer to the value of a currency as decided by supply and demand


- Dealer jargon used to describe a position that has been completely reversed, e.g. you bought $500,000 then sold $500,000, thereby creating a neutral (flat) position.

Foreign Exchange - (Forex, FX) is the simultaneous buying of one currency while selling for another. This market of exchange has more buyers and sellers and daily volume than any other in the world. Taking place in the major financial institutions across the globe, the forex market is open 24-hours a day.
Forward - The pre-specified exchange rate for a foreign exchange contract settling at some
agreed future date, based upon the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.
Forward Contract
- A forward contract fixes the exchange rate for future delivery at a date to be agreed by both participants. A deposit (or a minimum margin) is usually required in forward transactions. For example, if I want to lock in today's rate to buy $10,000 USD at 1.5820 Canadian for the next 4 months, I will have the ability to purchase up to $10,000 USD at this rate.

Forward Rates (Swaps)
- A Forward Rate refers to a cash price of 2 currencies interest difference for a fixed term. Forward rates can be calculated easily given the fixed term interest rates of each currency and the current spot rate

Forward Trading
- Forward trading is making the opposite trade of a spot trade in a given period of time. Often investors will swap their trades forward for anywhere from a week or two up to several months depending on the time frame of the investment. Even though a forward trade is on a future date, the position can be closed out at any time. The closing part of the position is then swapped forward to the same future value date Forward points - The pips added to or subtracted from the current exchange rate to calculate a forward price.
Fundamental Analysis - focuses on the economic forces of supply and demand that causes price movement. The Fundamentalist studies the causes of market movement, whereas the Technician studies the effects.
Futures Contract- An obligation to exchange a good or instrument at a set price on a future date. The primary difference between a Future and a Forward is that Futures are typically traded over an exchange (Exchange- Traded Contacts – ETC), versus forwards, which are considered Over The Counter (OTC) contracts. An OTC is any contract NOT traded on an exchange.

عرض البوم صور قبطان الفوركس  
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-06-2010, 11:15 AM
قبطان الفوركس قبطان الفوركس غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
افتراضي رد: درس خصوصى فى الفوركس مع قبطان الفوركس


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - The regulatory agency responsible for administering bank depository insurance in the US.
Federal Reserve System - The central bank of the United States, with responsibility for implementing the country's monetary policy and regulating member banks of the System. The Fed was created in 1913 and is composed of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and a national Board of Governors

Fixed Exchange Rate
- Official rate set by monetary authorities for one or more currencies

Floating Exchange Rate

s - Floating exchange rates refer to the value of a currency as decided by supply and demand


- Dealer jargon used to describe a position that has been completely reversed, e.g. you bought $500,000 then sold $500,000, thereby creating a neutral (flat) position.

Foreign Exchange - (Forex, FX) is the simultaneous buying of one currency while selling for another. This market of exchange has more buyers and sellers and daily volume than any other in the world. Taking place in the major financial institutions across the globe, the forex market is open 24-hours a day.
Forward - The pre-specified exchange rate for a foreign exchange contract settling at some
agreed future date, based upon the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.
Forward Contract
- A forward contract fixes the exchange rate for future delivery at a date to be agreed by both participants. A deposit (or a minimum margin) is usually required in forward transactions. For example, if I want to lock in today's rate to buy $10,000 USD at 1.5820 Canadian for the next 4 months, I will have the ability to purchase up to $10,000 USD at this rate.

Forward Rates (Swaps)
- A Forward Rate refers to a cash price of 2 currencies interest difference for a fixed term. Forward rates can be calculated easily given the fixed term interest rates of each currency and the current spot rate

Forward Trading
- Forward trading is making the opposite trade of a spot trade in a given period of time. Often investors will swap their trades forward for anywhere from a week or two up to several months depending on the time frame of the investment. Even though a forward trade is on a future date, the position can be closed out at any time. The closing part of the position is then swapped forward to the same future value date Forward points - The pips added to or subtracted from the current exchange rate to calculate a forward price.
Fundamental Analysis - focuses on the economic forces of supply and demand that causes price movement. The Fundamentalist studies the causes of market movement, whereas the Technician studies the effects.
Futures Contract- An obligation to exchange a good or instrument at a set price on a future date. The primary difference between a Future and a Forward is that Futures are typically traded over an exchange (Exchange- Traded Contacts – ETC), versus forwards, which are considered Over The Counter (OTC) contracts. An OTC is any contract NOT traded on an exchange.

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