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technical analysis for GBP/usd

منتدى تعليم الفوركس

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قديم 14-10-2013, 07:21 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو فضى
الصورة الرمزية Mohamed_tarek

تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2012
رقم العضوية: 12036
العمر: 35
المشاركات: 2,087
بمعدل : 0.48 يوميا

Mohamed_tarek غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : منتدى تعليم الفوركس
افتراضي technical analysis for GBP/usd

he British pound has started the trading week with gains against the US dollar. In Monday's North American session, the pair is trading just above the key 1.60 line. There are no British or US releases on Monday. We'll get a good look at UK inflation indicators on Tuesday, highlighted by CPI. Over in the US, the markets are closed due for Columbus Day. In Washington, negotiations over the US shutdown and debt ceiling remain deadlocked, as weekend talks failed to achieve a breakthrough.

Over the weekend, negotiations continued on Capitol Hill between the Republican and Democrat Senate leaders, but they failed to reach on agreement on the debt ceiling, which will be reached on Thursday. The parties have made little progress on the budget deadlock, as the government shutdown heads into its third week. A bipartisan proposal has been floated which would fund the government for six months and raise the debt limit until January 31. In the meantime, the impasse on Capitol Hill continues, and it’s hard to see how the markets can remain calm in this crisis-filled atmosphere.

The debt ceiling crisis is generating headlines the world over, as a US default on its financial obligations could lead to severe damage to the global economy. The US is being urged to get its act together, and quickly. The IMF has warned that the continuing uncertainty emanating out of Washington could lead to a world recession. ECB President Mario Draghi has also weighed in, saying that it was “unthinkable” that Congress would not reach an agreement on the debt ceiling.

QE tapering, one of the hottest topics in the markets just a few weeks ago, has quickly moved to the backburner, courtesy of the budget and debt ceiling crises which have gripped Washington. Last week, the Fed released the minutes of its September policy meeting. At that meeting, the Fed surprised the markets by not reducing its bond-purchasing program, which currently runs at $85 billion/mth. The minutes stated that the decision not to begin tapering was a "close call". This has raised speculation that we could see tapering before the end of the year. However, the Fed is reluctant to make any major moves in the midst of the political crisis the US is currently experiencing. As well, the Fed is "data dependent", and key releases such as Non-Farm Payrolls have been suspended to the shutdown. This makes it difficult for the Fed to get an accurate picture of the true state of the economy. The bottom line? We may not see any QE moves by the Fed before the end of the year.


عرض البوم صور Mohamed_tarek  
رد مع اقتباس

قديم 14-10-2013, 07:21 PM
Mohamed_tarek Mohamed_tarek غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فضى
افتراضي technical analysis for GBP/usd

he British pound has started the trading week with gains against the US dollar. In Monday's North American session, the pair is trading just above the key 1.60 line. There are no British or US releases on Monday. We'll get a good look at UK inflation indicators on Tuesday, highlighted by CPI. Over in the US, the markets are closed due for Columbus Day. In Washington, negotiations over the US shutdown and debt ceiling remain deadlocked, as weekend talks failed to achieve a breakthrough.

Over the weekend, negotiations continued on Capitol Hill between the Republican and Democrat Senate leaders, but they failed to reach on agreement on the debt ceiling, which will be reached on Thursday. The parties have made little progress on the budget deadlock, as the government shutdown heads into its third week. A bipartisan proposal has been floated which would fund the government for six months and raise the debt limit until January 31. In the meantime, the impasse on Capitol Hill continues, and it’s hard to see how the markets can remain calm in this crisis-filled atmosphere.

The debt ceiling crisis is generating headlines the world over, as a US default on its financial obligations could lead to severe damage to the global economy. The US is being urged to get its act together, and quickly. The IMF has warned that the continuing uncertainty emanating out of Washington could lead to a world recession. ECB President Mario Draghi has also weighed in, saying that it was “unthinkable” that Congress would not reach an agreement on the debt ceiling.

QE tapering, one of the hottest topics in the markets just a few weeks ago, has quickly moved to the backburner, courtesy of the budget and debt ceiling crises which have gripped Washington. Last week, the Fed released the minutes of its September policy meeting. At that meeting, the Fed surprised the markets by not reducing its bond-purchasing program, which currently runs at $85 billion/mth. The minutes stated that the decision not to begin tapering was a "close call". This has raised speculation that we could see tapering before the end of the year. However, the Fed is reluctant to make any major moves in the midst of the political crisis the US is currently experiencing. As well, the Fed is "data dependent", and key releases such as Non-Farm Payrolls have been suspended to the shutdown. This makes it difficult for the Fed to get an accurate picture of the true state of the economy. The bottom line? We may not see any QE moves by the Fed before the end of the year.

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analysis, gbp/usd, technical

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