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FXDDCloud Trading System Storage
MetaTrader 4 Forex trade VPS hosting
In a global market that never sleeps, neither should your trading platform. FXDD’s innovative FXDDCloud system stores your trading information within our computing infrastructure. The result is a super-light platform loaded with features that operates around the clock, even when your computer is off.
- Access your platform from any computer without downloading it
- 24/6 secure hosting of your EAs and platforms
- Trade Forex on a Mac
- Protect your MetaTrader 4 trailing stops
- Efficiently run multiple strategies with lowered latency
- Streamline communication with a built-in chat feature
- Interact with FXDD through social media integration
- Read the latest ForexLive information
Click here to login
Trade with FXDDCloud Today
Email sales@fxdd.com using the subject line “VPS” to get started.
Terms and conditions
Fee. You will be charged $30 on the first (1st) business day of each month ("Fee"). If there are insufficient funds in your account to pay the Fee, FXDD shall be entitled to immediately suspend your Service and/or Maintenance Services, without notice. Upon receipt of the Fee, FXDD may reinstate the Service and/or Maintenance Services. However, such reinstatement may disqualify you from receipt of a credit.
Credit. A $30 Credit will be applied to your account, in the month following payment of the Fee, if you maintain a minimum deposit of $2,500 in your account throughout the entire preceding month (beginning the first trading day of the month, and ending the last trading day of the month), and trade a minimum of five (5) standard lots, round-turn, in the preceding month.
Disqualification from Credit. Commencement of and/or withdrawal from the FXDD Cloud System between the first and/ or last business days of the month may cause you to be disqualified from the opportunity to receive the above-discussed credit, as you may not have the opportunity to maintain the minimum required deposit and/or number and size of lots, both of which are required to qualify for the credit.