هذه اكبر شركة فوركس نصابة وخبيثة تقوم بسرقة اموال المستثمرين العرب مقرها في فلسطين المحتلة ويستخدمون ارقام هواتف سويسرية مزورة وهم يتصلون من فلسطين المحتلة من رام الله او من ناب لس ويكذبون عليك اذا قالو لك اننا نتصل بك من سويسرا ارقام هواتف مزورة وانا دخلت فيها ب 100 دولار فيي ثلاثة ايام رجع رصيدي 000 وقالو لي هذا هو التداول ربح وخسارة مع اناني لم افتح اي صفقة معهم وارجوكم لا تتدوالو فيها وهذا خير خبر لشهر رمظان المبارك حتى اجعل هذه الشركة وحدها وساعلن هذا الكلام في جميع منتديات الفوركس حتى لايذهبو ظحية الخداع مثلي لا يعرفون التداول واموالهم تذهب الى اسرائيل معهم من العملاء العرب منهم مدير حسابي ماهر خليل و مديرهم النفيذي محمد عابد الزهراني زريام الأسمر اذا اتصلو بكم سيقولون اننا نتصل بك من بانما وهم يكذبون علكم حتي الرقم الهاتفي لايظهر على الموبيال انكوني غير معروف inconnue يظهر هكذا ليس كا شركات المعترف بها يظهر رقم الهاتف على الموبايل وليس لدها اي رقم تسجيل في شركة امنية رقابية كا لهيئات الرائدة كا فاكس دي دي وكذلك هذه الشركة بي فوركس تابعة ل سي اف دي مارطت التي تظهر في النايل سات باسم1forextv احذروها هذه ايظا نصابة ههذه نصيحة لوجه الله في مناسبة حلول رمظان المبارك ان شاء الله كله ارباح على الأم
FPA Scam Confirmation against BForex.com | Guilty Date of Post:2010-08-26
Review:2010-10-13 The FPA Scam Investigations Committee has confirmed this complaint.
I would like to respond to the two points you mentioned implying my trades were illegitimate:
1) Your terms and conditions define scalping as the following:
Any transaction closed within 120 seconds from opening time shall be regarded as "Scalping".
I respect your definition of scalping and have honoured this during all my trades placed with all Bforex companies. All my trades have been open for longer than 120 seconds - therefore I was not scalping hence all trades were legitimate and honoured your trading agreement.
2) I appreciate we do not live in a perfect world and system errors do occur. However, Bforex claim to be a professional organisation where technical errors must be kept to an absolute minimum. If you said to me that 1% of my trades were affected by technical errors in the system I would accept this considering humans and computers can and do make mistakes. For you to say all my trades were affected by technical system errors over a six month period is absurd. For every trade I placed with Bforex I received online trade confirmations, which neither I or Bforex ever disputed. Therefore, the trades were agreed on by both parties.
Every email I sent was ignored as I never received a response. I then tried to make contact via the online chat. As soon as I mentioned my name and account number I was immediately disconnected. This occurred on a number of occasions, such behaviour is totally unprofessional. I was therefore left with no alternative but to file a complaint with FPA.
I have not profited by scalping or technical errors. All trades were open for more than 120 seconds. It is impossible for all my trades to be affected by technical system errors.
Forex Peace Army is the no.1 independent, unbiased Forex review website. Your reputation will not be judged by one negative review but by the collecting rating you attain on this website. Unfortunately, your statistic claiming 99% of Bforex's clients are satisfied with your service is not reflected in the reviews.